Wolverine movie leaked one month early!

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Wolverine movie leaked one month early!

Post by gaastra » April 1st, 2009, 11:48 am


Fox must be having a heart attack right now. A dvd quality workprint of wolverine has leaked onto the internet a month early. To make matters worse fans are angry over the changes made to deadpool and others.

Fox's bad luck strikes again.

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Post by PatrickvD » April 1st, 2009, 1:13 pm

Por Fox! They've had such a bad year, now this!

Thank God for them it's April Fool's!

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Post by PatrickvD » April 1st, 2009, 6:35 pm

oops... it's real


Post by GeorgeC » April 1st, 2009, 10:59 pm

Nothing unusual there, really.

It probably got leaked by somebody who's been working on the home version of the film as we speak.

(Yes, the DVD versions get worked on even as the films are being finished. There's no way a lot of these films would make home video release within 3 months of theatrical release if the DVDs weren't being worked on by post-production at the latest!)

It's usually someone at the production studio (Fox in this case) or a theater employee (take your pick of Carmike, AMC, Lennox, etc.) who leaks this stuff. With a lot of films being projected digitally now, the opportunity for piracy actually increases. The majority of pirated films are probably still camcorder quality but occasionally screener DVDs do get posted online.

That was a big concern for the Oscars committee when they started sending screener DVDs to Oscar members. There are people who still don't understand you can't sell, trade, or upload these things at all. That's part of the reason why they're coded now. They can trace back the source of the uploaded files and nail people that way...

You can bet Fox is looking into the situation and someone will be prosecuted if they find the culprit.

People really have to read NDA documents carefully. If you get caught, you go to prison or at the very least pay a stiff fine and get blacklisted from the movie industry for life...

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Post by eddievalient » April 1st, 2009, 11:08 pm

I have to admit, I'm tempted, but I'd rather wait and see it on the big screen like everyone else.
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Post by GeorgeC » April 2nd, 2009, 7:38 pm


What I've read is that this leaked version of the film wasn't finished. It wasn't a final edit and a bunch of the film had temp tracks (temporary music until the final score was finished) and unfinished visual effects.

If this case turns out anything like The Incredible Hulk, it's going to come down to someone leaking a screener copy that they shouldn't have.

In The Incredible Hulk's case, an employee of a PR firm working on that film lent an early unfinished copy to a friend who then lent it to another friend. The fellow tried to upload the film after trying to get rid of the security codes on the film but wasn't successful. He got caught and finally turned himself in and admitted he uploaded the film. I haven't heard what the final outcome of his trial is if it's even occurred. He turned himself in September last year I believe.

NDA's -- people have to obey the contracts signed and understand their consequences. In the Hulk case, though, I'm not sure exactly what happened to the fellow who lent a copy out in the first place. I'm sure he got a reprimand once they traced the source of the leak back to him.

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